Will you get to where you need to be in the shortest amount of time to score three full stars? Read more. Explore the many streets and short cuts, before going onto a time-sensitive mission. Make your way through the city in broad daylight or darkest night, in rain or snow. There are driving challenges ready to be tackled in this three-dimensional envirovment. You can play it here at ! Get into an ambulance, an ice-cream van or even a tractor. Truck Simulator is a fantastic driving game, in which you can look forward to a nice long drive in a massive rig. Fixed crash when using controller which does not provide X and Y axes. Fixed HUD mirrors and look presets for UK vehicles. Additional type of automatic gearbox which does not flip brake and accelerator pedals during reverse movement. 1.1.0 Two additional Dangerous Drives levels: "Backstreet" and "High in the Sky." Improved perfomance in the Scania: DemoCentre level.

Fixed compatibility with some sound cards. Ability to select and configure up to three controllers in game. 1.2.0 Two additional Dangerous drives levels: "Fertilizer" and "Roadworks".

Fixed handling of slider axes on some controllers. Modding: Speed limiter limit can be changed in game data. Radio volume is affected by master volume control. It is now possible to change rendering distance for mirrors. 1.3.0 Two additional Dangerous drives levels: "Leave the Port!" and "Yacht Launch". Modding: Command line parameter -pure disables mods and console for easy switching between modded and online game. Online leaderboards are visible even to local-only driver profiles. Scania Truck Driving Simulator key free + Patch 1.5.0 + Crackįunktioniert 100% KEY: AZMFX-32YQK-56TAD-EUA9R-Z31Z0 Patch 1.5: Crack 1.5: What's new in this update: Two additional Dangerous drives levels: "Mandatory Break" and "Construction Site" Update history: 1.4.0 Extension of the "Deliveries" level.